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Its time to make a change!

For many of us this is the time of year we set company goals and reflect on the things that were successful or need improvement. We always revisit policies, and processes, organizational finances, schedules and market expansion. However, when we are pushing forward, carving out new markets and taking new territory don't forget to strengthen your company culture. It is a company's culture that often produces the most benefit by improving reputations, retention rates, productivity and attracting top talent. Think about establishing employee development, incentives and perks. Let's face it seventy-nine percent of people quit their jobs due to not feeling appreciated. That is quite a lot of intellectual capital walking right out the door.

So, while you are starting fresh, set goals that will take your business through the next year. Include your employees, work together with them to meet your goals and it will increase everything from happiness and productivity to revenue and market expansion.

Happy goal setting!

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